Good vs. Evil

Edmund Burke, the 18th century Irish philosopher, famously once wrote, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." We might substitute the word men for "men and women," or just "people" these days.

Good people have an allowing tendency. They offer flexibility and forgiveness to others, even in the face of perpetration and wrongdoing. It is precisely this tendency, amongst others, that makes them good.

When faced with bad faith actors, dirty tricks, and all the other deceptive ways evil attempts to get its way, good people tend to throw their hands up in disbelief and mostly fail to defend the virtue under assault. They can't understand how somebody can be so mistaken, cruel, and/or punishing and find it difficult to effectively respond.

Seizing on this vulnerability, evil pushes forward, taking territory it has no right to, for itself.

Evil relies on dirty tricks and politicking because it is inherently weak. It is inherently weak because it is afraid—of being found out. So it operates in the shadows, lies, and makes you believe it's on your side. All to keep you in the dark and oblivious.

Evil, in a fair fight, stands no chance against good, no more than an invading bacteria stands a chance against your white blood cells and immune system.

Good people must learn to get fierce. There is beauty in defending virtue, even if force is required.